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Really nice concept and really fun!

Maybe add optional BG Music?

I was thinking that music could be a distraction, and if anyone wanted music they could just open Spotify or something. I could look into getting a track commissioned for the game if that's something people would be interested in?

Great stuff!


I don't understand why, but I can't stop playing it. I find the visuals and sound effects well polished. The maps are well generated although not very hard. Good job on this one :)

(2 edits)

The game starts freezing for me when I get to higher levels on HTML5, but other than that, the game is fun as hell!

This has been acknowledged in v1.0.1, thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

Just loved, im playing for hours. :) 
I just didn't get this mechanic that sometimes when I right click on a "3" it marks 3 red flags, but when I right click it on a 2 or 1 it doesn't.


This is called Chording, flagging like that only works when there are only tiles of that number around the tile. You can see how many there are by the outline around your cursor tile. If there are more or less cells around a number tile than what it sums to, it will not work.

Oh i got it! thank you

I wish there was also an infinite mode, with no time and no hearts.
I liked the green colors and the cloudy background, pretty makeup on minesweeper. Fun to play =)

you really out done you self game is good and sound is good hope to get to the 


Thank you!